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How To Tell If Your Drain Field Is Failing

Updated: Dec 2, 2022

How To Tell If Your Drain Field Is Failing

Drain fields are equally as important, if not more so than the septic tank. If this part of the system begins to fail, a quick response will make the difference between minor repairs and a complete drain field replacement. Keeping an eye out for the signs that your drain field does not drain properly anymore can help you avoid replacing the entire drain field.

Know the signs of a drainage system failing


1) Slowing Drainage

Stillorgan Drain Cleaning

When there is a compromised drain field, you will first notice slower drainage from the sinks, tubs, and toilets in your house. Once the drain field pipes continue to accept some water, the drains will continue to work in your home but at a slower rate. The drainage will only stop when the drain field has wholly failed. Slower drainage can also occur when the outlet or inlet pipe is clogged. If you want to call back, you can just drop a message and drain unblocking Dublin will call you immediately. 


2) Rising Water

Water Levels are Rising Drainfield pipes that crack and shatter rather than clog and discharge excess water into the drain field area. You may notice puddles of water or spongy and mushy ground around the room. Water levels inside the septic tank might also rise due to a clogged or crushed drain field. The water will finally rise enough to drive the sewage up the input line and into your house's lowest drains. Toilet backing up is the most common sign. 


3) Increasing Plant Growth

Stillorgan Drain Cleaning


Green grass or a lot of weed growth over the drain field is another bad sign that the pipes buried underneath have malfunctioned. When the drain field leaks faster than average or has decomposing waste that is supposed to stay in the tank, you will see the results on the surface. An excess of water and nutrients will lead to obviously faster and more significant plant growth around the drain field.


4) Returning Flow


One specific sign of a dead or damaged drain field is only noticeable when you try to service the tank. If you assume that the tank needs to be pumped, the service technician may spot water and or sewage entering the tank from the outlet in a reverse flow. When water stays in the drain field rather than soaking in, then the water has nowhere else to go other than back into the tank whenever the space opens up. Reverse flow from the drain field is an obvious indicator that you need a pipe replacement service or jetting. In this case, drain repair becomes necessary. 


5) Developing Odours

Stillorgan Drain Cleaning

If any sewage or toilet-like odours are coming from the drain field, this can indicate signs of drain field trouble and would require an immediate inspection from a specialist. Getting the drain field pipes cleaned before they emit strong odours is the best approach.


6) Noise


Noise Sounds like gurgling from your drains is an early sign that the drain is not venting properly. You may also hear noises coming from other plumbing fixtures in the house, such as the toilets. This indicates that you have some blockage in your drainage system.


7) Slime Or Sludge

When it becomes a more serious issue, a sign of this is that you will find a slimy black substance on the ground above your septic tank or if there is also a significant layer of scum or sludge on the inside of the tank.


8) Blooms Of Algae


In Nearby Water If you live beside a water source, such as a nearby lake or pond, then watch out for sudden algae blooms. Algae blooms happen when a large proportion of algae form in a pool of water. They're unnatural and make the water appear over-contaminated with algae. The presence of wastewater can contribute to the abnormal growth of algae.


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